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Here are some film reviews I wrote and a weekly blog of my experiences on a film degree!

Blog: About

Introduction to Semester 2

During the Christmas holiday, I took some time to reflect on which projects I felt I'd done best on and which I struggled on. I also...

Bloodbath (on-set experience)

In early November I helped out on a second year set for their horror film over two days, acting as an assistant producer and first AC. I...

Exercise 3 - Pre-production (Workflow)

For our scene recreation, we chose the opening scene of Frances Ha which follows Sophie and Frances in a french new wave style montage as...

Weeks 4 - 5 (film degree)

Coursework Communication and Practice Over the last two lectures, we have been looking at structuring paragraphs and how revision as a...

Weeks 1 - 3 (Film Degree)

Coursework Communication and Practice Over the first three weeks, I have found this lecture to be the most challenging of all the...

Blog: Blog2
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